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Vanderbilt SPCG310.000 SPC E-BUS Gateway - Enhanced
Numéro d'article ADI #:SPCG310.000
Modèle #: V54554-A101-A100
Nom: Vanderbilt SPCG310.000 SPC E-BUS Gateway - Enhanced
Seamleess interface: Gateway between SPC X-BUS and Sintony E-BUS
BUS detector solution: Supports up 56 MAGIC E-BUS detectors per SPC control panel
Preserve existing wiring and devices: Supported Sintony peripheral devices can remain in situ on the E-BUS without a need for replacing or re-wiring
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
Seamleess interface: Gateway between SPC X-BUS and Sintony E-BUS
BUS detector solution: Supports up 56 MAGIC E-BUS detectors per SPC control panel
Preserve existing wiring and devices: Supported Sintony peripheral devices can remain in situ on the E-BUS without a need for replacing or re-wiring
Catégorie : Produits, Tableaux de contrôle et servers, Centrales d'alarme et claviers, Intrusion
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